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If your company produces revenue but makes little to no profit, you are leaving money on the table

Should you sell your business?

It depends... Do you want to? Do you need to? Have you thought about it? Whatever your answer is - it is a correct one. It is entirely up to you what you do with your business. After all, you are the business owner, and no one should be telling you what to do.

A different question: should your business be sellable?

Well... Let's see. What makes a business sell-able?

The company should be profitable, stable, and growing. Potential buyers will look for a company with rock-solid financial records, unique product or service, employee dedication, customer satisfaction, and it's ability to survive economic downturns.

Should your company have all that? Good question.

Should you sell your business after you've achieved all that?

Still up to you...


Seven ways to unlock your business' hidden value

  1. Get paid to promote your product or service – turn your customers into salespeople.
    Think of the last time you bought something so outrageously good you just had to tell someone. Or the time you got service and were treated like royalty. How many times did you tell that story? Imagine your customers paying you to get your products or services and then going out of their way to tell everyone they know about your company. Happy customers are your best sales force - and they paid you to do it.

  2. Hire/retain best talent – help your employees earn more to increase your profits.
    Create a nurturing and exciting environment for your employees and watch their productivity skyrocket. Not only will it increase your profitability enabling you to raise their compensation, it will also turn your team into volunteer recruiters and proud promoters for your business.

  3. Looks do matter – make small changes to see big results.
    Your company’s physical attributes say a lot about you and do a lot for your business. Clean and organized design, whether applied to building, website, or brochures has an enormous impact on a prospect's decision to become a customer or move on.

  4. Automate processes to increase productivity and reduce costs.
    Evaluate and optimize all the tasks your team performs and document them in detail for all new hires. Work audits reveal inefficiencies and enable you to improve quality. Procedure manuals cut down on training time and ensure complete and accurate transfer of knowledge.

  5. Buy the right company to instantly increase your bottom line.
    If you needed to clean your house, would you try to invent and build a floor-sweeping device or would you just go to a local store and buy a broom? It’s always exciting to create something new when it doesn’t yet exist. Sometimes however it just makes more sense to buy a company that already has what you need and can immediately create income.

  6. Remove risks by removing dependencies.
    To begin with, the word “dependency” itself triggers caution in your mind, doesn’t it? Being able to depend on your friends and loved ones is a great thing. Depending on anything or anyone too much is not as good for business. Making sure your company can survive changes in factors outside of your control significantly increases the value of your business.

  7. Cooperate – create packages to cross-sell.
    Think of a product or service that would complement yours. Can you approach the company that sells it and create a package giving your customers a chance to save time and money. You both can promote it and increase market outreach. A win-win-win.

Not only will taking these steps increase your bottom line, it will make your company a lot more attractive to potential buyers when the time comes to sell. The more attractive the business – the better chance you have of getting your asking price.

Business tune-up

If you feel like you've reached a glass ceiling - you are not alone. Many businesses face the "scale paradox": unable to grow without a large contract yet not qualified to obtain a large contract without a certain level of income. We can help you overcome this issue by engaging our team of experts in following areas:

  • Financial analysis and optimization
  • Systems and processes engineering and implementation
  • Management support
  • Organic growth via proven marketing techniques
  • Mergers & acquisitions
  • Initial Public Offerings
  • Reverse IPO
We have capital ready to be deployed for businesses that meet following criteria:

  • Producing revenue between $500k and $200M
  • Established at least five years ago
  • Demonstrated revenue growth
  • Profitable for the past three years
  • Seeking capital to scale or grow through M&A
If you are struggling with cash flow, collecting accounts receivables, bad credit, employee morale, partnership disputes, etc. we can help. We have the tools, experience, and compassion to see you through these challenging times. Consultation and service are strictly confidential. These are some of the areas we will work with you on:

  • Financial analysis and optimization
  • Systems and processes engineering and implementation
  • Corporate culture and image
  • Employee performance
  • Management support
  • Customer profitability analysis
  • Vendor/supplier management
  • Contract negotiations

We have creative financing options available

There are many reasons why things could go wrong: economic downturns, natural disasters, fraud, relationship break-downs, among many others. Sometimes things can get so bad that bankruptcy may seem like the only option. although it may provide some protections for the business owner it has many implications: a 10-year record preventing you from opening another business, potential personal asset loss, emotional agony of watching your creation perish and employees lose their livelihoods just to name a few. There is a better way. We can help restructure your debt, keep the business doors open and continue to provide jobs. We will work with you to create a path to removing personal guarantees and protect your personal assets. Consultation and service are strictly confidential. This program is applicable to businesses that fit following criteria:

  • Debt is considerably higher than business valuation
  • Fair market value of assets is at least $500k
  • All other options have been exhausted
  • Business is still operating albeit at diminished capacity

Truth be told, hardly ever will you find a business owner thinking about an exit when everything is working fine. Only when something is missing or is not quite right will a person really consider an exit, which may be just the thing to provide a perfect solution.

Some of the reasons an entrepreneur may think about selling:

  • Financial freedom
  • Retirement
  • Health concerns
  • Personal circumstances
  • Time
  • Other interests

Whatever the reasons may be, it is always a good idea to make sure that your company

  1. creates enough income to support your lifestyle and your employee's livelihoods
  2. is desirable and valuable enough to potential buyers when the time comes to sell

We can help you achieve both.

We are currently not accepting new clients. Please check back often for updates.

About Us

Lana Coronado began her professional career in 1986 by teaching computer and business courses in New York City. Voted "The Best Teacher Ever" by her alumna's, she enjoyed sharing her knowledge and experience with students while helping them prepare for the "real world" challenges.

While teaching, Ms. Coronado continued to study computer hardware, software and programming languages. In 1988 she joined New York City's Department of Finance as Computer Associate, where she was later promoted to Acting Associate Director. Well-versed in Computer Technologies, Lana played an important role in implementing Wide Area Network for the IT Department nationwide. Her outstanding performance and dedication was noted by the Department of Finance Commissioner.

Striving to learn more, Lana Coronado moved on to Wall Street where companies like Credit Swiss First Boston and Merrill Lynch have benefited from her technical expertise. In charge of the technical support to trading floors worldwide, she enjoyed the fast-paced, high-pressure corporate environment, capable of offering the latest technology and a world of resources to those who wish to learn.

In 1995, Lana was asked to join the Cable News Network (CNN) to help launch CNNfn - the new financial network. Excited to be part of the team building the largest (at the time) digital television studio in the world, she welcomed the opportunity with open arms. While at CNN, Lana has learned a lot about video and TV, as well as the Internet technologies. She implemented first-ever live broadcasts from brokerage houses in New York and Boston over digital lines, which enabled the network’s newsroom to get instant analyst reviews from Wall Street. Fascinated with Internet and video streaming technology, Ms. Coronado vowed CNNfn to be the first television network to stream live content over the web.

Moving on to join the world of entrepreneurship, Lana had the opportunity to develop several commercial web sites, work with celebrities, run national and international live video streaming shows, teach and produce her own video and Internet content. Ms. Coronado retired from IT at the age of forty-two to become a philanthropist, investor, and advisor taking small and mid-sized businesses to their next level even if they faced adversity in the past.

Lana Coronado is fluent in four languages and holds a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering, as well as a Teacher's License from New York State. True to her natural ability to teach, she is always looking for ways to share her knowledge and experience.

Latest news

  • ACQUIRE. We are actively seeking to invest in established businesses with annual revenue between $500k and $200M in various sectors within US and territories.

  • INVEST. We have capital ready to be deployed for businesses that meet following criteria:
    • Producing revenue between $500k and $200M
    • Established at least five years ago
    • Demonstrated revenue growth
    • Profitable for the past three years
    • Seeking capital to scale or grow through M&A

  • GROW. If you feel like you've reached a glass ceiling you are not alone. Many businesses face the "scale paradox": unable to grow without a large contract yet not qualified to obtain a large contract without a certain level of income. We can help you overcome this issue by engaging our team of experts in following areas:
    • Financial analysis and optimization
    • Systems and processes engineering and implementation
    • Management support
    • Organic growth via proven marketing techniques
    • Mergers & acquisitions
    • Initial Public Offerings
    • Reverse IPO

  • HELP. If you are struggling with cash flow, collecting accounts receivables, bad credit, employee morale, partnership disputes, etc. we can help. We have the tools, experience, and compassion to see you through these challenging times. Consultation and service are strictly confidential.

VISION - A world where everyone has equal opportunity to succeed

MISSION - Provide tools, support, and expertise to entrepreneurs enabling them to maximize the value of their businesses

  • Focus on success - Your success is our greatest reward. You set your goals, we will stay focused on achieving them together
  • Integrity - We promise to do the right thing and we always deliver on our promise
  • Transparency - We partner with you, we coach you, and we keep you in the loop. There are no surprises
  • Accountability - We hold ourselves to highest standards. If we do it - we own it!

  • Business owners are people. Be sincere, be honest, be true and they will respond with same
  • Entrepreneurs know their business better than anyone
  • It's only a deal, if it's a WIN-WIN-WIN


Your success is our reward

We have the tools you need:

Decades of experience working with large corporate, government, and educational institutions

Unique strategies proven to achieve remarkable results for YOU and YOUR business

Individual approach, custom solutions, personal touch - YOU will never be a number in our book

In-depth knowledge of "business" side of the business. You be YOU, we'll do the rest

Respect and admiration for the small business owner - the true entrepreneur: YOU!

Proprietary tools and techniques designed to achieve YOUR goals

Latest News

  • 08.01.2021. Lana Coronado announces retirement from MBH Corporation PLC
  • 06.18.2021. MBHCF : MBH Corporation PLC. AGM
  • 05.04.2021. MBHCF : MBH Corporation PLC. Annual Report
  • 03.30.2021. How2Exit interviews Lana Coronado about her upcoming book written for entrepreneurs.
    According to Ms. Coronado many business owners struggle to sell their businesses when the time comes to exit. Statistically, only around 10% of the companies listed for sale actually sell. Lana believes that by making several changes, some smaller than others, entrepreneurs can dramatically improve their chances of desirable outcome. She partnered with Scotty Schindler, an entrepreneur himself who started and sold a very successful real estate business in Australia to write a guide to those who seek similar results.

    The book is written from a perspective of both the business buyer and the business seller. With many real-life examples and written in easy to understand language, it outlines the steps any business owner can take to not only make their company more sell-able but also better performing even if exit it not on the horizon just yet.

    Buy Build a business you can sell

  • 03.23.2021. Sean Toole of MAD Podcast interviewed Ms. Coronado regarding her experience working with owners of small businesses.
    Lana speaks about the reason she embarked on M&A journey - a unique challenge currently experienced by ‘baby-boomers’ with no succession planning in place. She also emphasizes her special interest in working with women founded and owned businesses where she feels she can bring value by understanding both sides of the issue.

    Ms. Coronado also explains the AgglomerationTM model of MBH Corporation and the impact it is having on businesses that join.
  • 06.01.2020. Ms. Coronado was asked to join MBH Corporation as a non-executive Chair of the Board, a position she accepted without hesitation.
    One of the fastest growing publicly traded companies in Europe, MBH operates under AgglomerationTM model – doubled by its founders as a way of democratizing wealth. The core principle is that the corporation protects and preserves what made a business profitable, then places the same into a community of like-minded businesses with the sole intention of enhancing the value of each individual group company.

  • 03.15.2020. Lana Coronado was asked to speak to a group of investors in Los Angeles CA.
    The private event focused on deal structures, her unique ability to connect with people proved invaluable to finding a win-win solution. Ms. Coronado talked about the human factor of business transactions paying particular attention to the emotional states of everyone going through the process and the factors leading up to it. She emphasized the fact that business owners and the investors are all humans first. Taking into consideration their personalities and specific circumstances helps build trust and mutual respect, which leads to much more productive conversations and lasting business relationships.

    In one example she demonstrated how the same person can be viewed from different angles and how that point of view can significantly affect the conversation.

    09.06.2020 Update. Lana’s presentation had a big impact on the audience and she is now a regular at such events, albeit virtually since the beginning of pandemic.

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